Tuesday 4 August 2015

Starting Work and Youtube, Chris King Robinson and 5SOS

Hi Everyone,

So this may be a bit of a long one.

Lets start with the biggest thing that's happened since I've been away, I finally got a job!!!!!!!!!
I haven't spoken about not having a job but since I left college I struggled to get a job, everyone always said that when the time was right I would get one and I guess the time was right.

There is one piece of advise I can give you if you are struggling to get your first job and that is don't panic, it really will come when it is time, I could never imagine myself doing the job I am doing at the moment. Before I started this job I wasn't the most confident person especially speaking on the phone but this job has made me come out of my shell a lot, I can speak on the phone a lot more confident, I feel better in myself now that I have one and it also means I can go out with my friends and family now that I can afford it and not let them down.

My confidence growing then leads me on to starting Youtube.

Me and Abbie have spoke about this on and off for a while now and as we live quite far apart we hardly ever got a chance to see each other, but as we are both now working it is easier, we have already started filming for it, we just have to edit and upload the majority of them. You may think what is the point in doing Youtube when we struggle with keeping a blog going, me and Abbie struggle to sit there at and write what we always want to say, we would rather just sit in front of a camera and talk. This will also mean our channel will be a mix match of things, Abbie is most likely to be the one vlogging out and about where as I am more likely to sit in my room and film, which is a good thing as it won't be the same content from each of us and it will also mean it is something we will like doing instead of making each other do something we don't want.

Going onto the music side of this post and something that isn't about me, is that Chris King Robinson is currently on his way to do an American tour with his band. He is one of the most talented people I have ever met and to be able to say my step brother is touring America makes me proud, although I have never told him that. But, we don't need to tell each other stuff like that, I'd rather just annoy him like always reminding him I'm 2 months older. I hope he has the most amazing time while he's there. Oh yeah and he's also releasing an EP!!

The final thing I'm going to talk about happened on the 10th June. It was one of the most amazing nights of my life, I took my cousin (Caitlin) to see 5SOS in Liverpool. I don't get to spend much time with my her as whenever I see her, my youngest cousins are usually about too which means we never get to spend quality time together. So, I made that night about her I let her have anything she wanted, it cost me a fortune but I got to see one of my favourite bands and also spend time with her.

It was such an amazing night and I will probably repeat that a ridiculous amount of times, but before I went Abbie was telling me what they were like live so I had pretty high expectations and they surpassed all those expectations. The atmosphere was amazing and I think it will always be in my top 10 moments. But, now seeing 5SOS live will be something me and Caitlin can do together which means I will also get that quality time with her that I know she misses.

I could keep going but then this post would be incredibly long and I'd just start rambling on.

Oh, hang on, did I mention I turned 21 two weeks ago but I will leave that for another time.

Thanks for reading,

P.S Chris if you actually read this did I mention I'm two months older!!!!!